
domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Classify, Identify and Deconstruct Learning Targets

You can find below a list of learning targets that will be the focus of a 4º ESO Unit about the World War II. They are classified as Knowledge, Reasoning, Skill, Product and Disposition.
  • Explain the relationship between the rise of the Totalitarianisms and the World War II. (Knowledge and reasoning)
  • Synthesize the events leading up to the World War II. (Knowing and reasoning)
  • Analyse the development of the World War II, knowing the combatant countries, main characteristics and battles. (Knowledge and reasoning)
  • Create a timeline to show the order of main events. (Product)
  • Infer the main results of Yalta and Postdam Conferences from selected texts and the main consequences of the war from graphs. (Reasoning)
  • Write a research report explaining how World War II influenced combatant countries society. (Product)
  • Manage with accuracy the vocabulary and historical sources of this unit. (Skill)
  • Reject war and violence as a way to solve conflicts and appreciate democracy as form of government. (Disposition)

After checking the standards and taking into account that these targets have been inspired by the standards but I have rewritten them, I consider that all these targets are written in “student friendly” terms. Therefore, I think it is not necessary to deconstruct them because vocabulary is also appropriate for any 4º ESO student. Moreover, we can be sure by adding “I can” or “I’ll be able to”, for example:

  • I’ll be able to explain the relationship between the rise of the Totalitarianisms and the World War II.
  • I can synthesize the events leading up to the World War II.
  • I can create a timeline to show the order of main events.
  • I’ll be able to infer the main results of Yalta and Postdam Conferences from selected texts and the main consequences of the war from graphs.
  • I’ll be able to write a research report explaining how World War II influenced combatant countries society.  

sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

A National vs. International Perspective Comparison: LOMCE vs IB

Mission and Vision
To introduce new conduct patterns that make education the centre of our society and economy.

Aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
IB programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Learner Profile
To make students self-confident, curious, entrepreneurs and innovative people, willing to get involved in the society they live in, creating both a personal and collective value.


Written curriculum
The curriculum is formed by :
a) The objectives of each phase
b) The skills students need to learn  in each phase of the education process, in order to be able to do the activities proposed and be able to solve complex problems.
c) The content and attitudes that help students achieve to the objectives in each phase and to acquire the proposed skills
d) methodology to be used  
e) The standards and learning results to be assessed
f) The assessment criteria
The essential elements of the written curriculum are:
-        Knowledge: significant, relevant content that we wish the students to explore and know about, taking into consideration their prior experience and understanding.
-        Concepts: powerful ideas that have relevance within the subject.
-        Skills: those capabilities that the students need to demonstrate to succeed.
-        Attitudes: dispositions that are the expressions of fundamental values, beliefs and feelings about learning, the environment and people.
-        Action: demonstrations of deeper learning in responsible behavior through responsible action.

Subject / Areas
Primaria (LOMCE)
Students have to study the following core: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Spanish Language and Literature, Mathematics, Foreign Language 1, Physical Education, Religion, Arts, Foreign Language 2, Co-oficial language.

The PYP is a transdisciplinary programme organized around six themes of global significance. In addition, there are six defined subject areas that have value in themselves and provide students with knowledge and skills to explore successfully the six transdisciplinary themes: Arts, Language, Mathematics, Physical, Social and personal education, Science and Social Studies.

Subject / Areas
In the 1st and 2nd year, students have to study the following core:
Biology and Geology (1st), Physics and Chemistry (2nd), Geography and History (1st and 2nd), Spanish Language and Literature (1st and 2nd), Mathematics (1st and 2nd) and First Foreign Language (1st and 2nd).

The students must take the following general subjects block core subjects in the 3rd year: Biology and Geology, Physics and Chemistry, Geography and History, Spanish Language and Literature and First Foreign Language.
As an optional course, students can choose Mathematics oriented to academic teaching or Mathematics oriented to applied teaching. As specific subjects they have Physical Education, Religious or Ethical Values.
Depending on the school’s educational offer, they have to offer at least one and four at the most of the following subjects: Classical Culture, Plastic and Visual Education, Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Activity, Music, Second Foreign Language, Technology and Religion or Ethical Values. .

The core in the 4th year is: Geography and History, Spanish Language and Literature, Academic Oriented Mathematics Teaching and First Foreign Language.
Depending on the educational offer of the school, they have to offer at least two of the following subjects: Biology and Geology, Economics, Physics and Chemistry and Latin.
For those who have chosen the applied teaching (Mathematics), they have to take the following subjects: Geography and History, Spanish Language and Literature, Oriented Applied Mathematics Lessons, First Foreign Language.
Depending on the educational offer of the school, they have to offer at least two of the following subjects: Applied Sciences to the Professional Activity, Initiation to Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Activity and Technology.
As specific subjects they have: Performing Arts and Dance, Classical Culture, Plastic Education, Visual and Audiovisual, Philosophy, Music, Second Foreign Language, Information and Communication Technologies, Religion or Ethical Values and one subject not taken from the core.
The MYP in an interdisciplinary programme organized around global contexts (Areas of Interaction up to September 2014) with the following subjects: Language acquisition, Language and literature, Individuals and societies, Sciences, Mathematics,  and one to choose from Arts, Physical and health education and Design.

Subject / Areas
Bachiller (LOMCE)
Diploma (IB)
Three options (Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Arts) with different subjects to choose from depending on the option:
The core subjects in the 1st year are: Philosophy , Spanish Language and Literature , Mathematics , First Foreign Language.
-          Biology and Geology , Technical Drawing (Sciences option)
-          Latin, Mathematics applied to Social Sciences, Economics, Greek, Contemporary World History or World Literature (Humanities and social sciences option )
-           Art Fundamentals, Audiovisual Culture, Contemporary World History , World Literature (Arts option)

Specific subjects: Physical Education, Musical analysis , Applied Anatomy , Scientific culture , Artistic drawing , Technical drawing , Language and musical practice , Religion, Second Foreign Language , Industrial Technology , ICT,
Autonomic configuration: either co-official language offered may be specific block .

The core subjects in the 2nd year are:  History of Spain, Spanish Language and Literature, Mathematics II and First Foreign Language II.

-          Biology, Technical Drawing, Physics, Geology, Chemistry (Sciences option);
-          Latin, Mathematics applied to Social Sciences, business Economics , Geography , Greek, History of Art, History of Philosophy (Humanities and Social Sciences mode );
-          Art Fundaments, Performing Arts, Visual Culture and Design (Arts option)

Specific: musical analysis , Earth Science and Environment, artistic drawing , technical drawing, fundamentals of administration and management, History of philosophy, History of Music and Dance , sound and Vision , psychology, Religion , Second foreign Language , graphic - plastic techniques of expression , industrial technology, ICT ,Autonomic configuration: either co-official language offered may be specific block.
Core: Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and CAS. There are several options:
In Studies in Language and Literature they have the following options: English A: Language and Literature, English A: Literature, French A: Language and Literature, French A: Literature, Spanish A: Language and Literature, Spanish A: Literature, Other Language A: Literature, Literature and Performance and School Supported self-taught and special request languages A.
Languages acquisition: Classical languages: Language B: English B, French B, Spanish B, Other Languages B; Language ab initio: French ab initio, Spanish ab initio and Other languages ab initio.

Individuals and Societies: Business and Management, Economics, Geography, Global Politics, History, ITGS, Islamic History, Philosophy, Psychology and Social and Cultural Anthropology.

Experimental Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Design Technology, Physics, Sports, Exercise and Health Science and Environmental Systems and Societies.

Mathematics and Computer Science: Calculators, Computer Science, Further Mathematics, Mathematical Studies SL, Mathematics HL and Mathematics SL.

The Arts: Dance, Film, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts and Literature and Performance SL.

Main features of Assessment
External evaluations to improve the quality of the education system with formative and diagnostic assessments. 1. Ensure appropriate levels of learning. 2. Guide students in their school decisions in accordance with the knowledge and skills they really possess. 3. Standards at national level to compare results objectively. Objective: To improve learning and decision-making of parents, schools and administrations. It focuses on skills development according to international guidelines (OECD)
Assessment is key for the IBO. The assessment policy should clearly reflect the school’s philosophy and position on assessment. Students are assessed using formative and summative assessment. The purpose of assessment and the research are considered to be behind the purpose, as well as the actions and specific examples of assessments that will best reflect that purpose.

Main features of Assessment
Primaria (LOMCE)
The assessment of student learning processes will be continuous and comprehensive and will consider their progress in all areas. Most appropriate measures will be established so that the conditions of conducting evaluations are adapted to the needs of students with special needs.
The pupil will enter the next stage or course if he/she has achieved its objectives and has reached the level of acquisition of the relevant skills.
Teachers assess students by selecting or designing methods of assessment appropriate to the learning outcomes they intend to capture.
The prime objective of assessing students’ learning and performance is to give feedback to:
Students—to encourage the start of lifelong learning
Teachers—to support their reflection on what to teach and how to teach it
Parents—to highlight their child’s learning and development.
In the final year of the PYP, students participate in a culminating project, the PYP exhibition. This requires that each student demonstrates engagement with the five essential elements of the programme: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action.

Main features of Assessment
Evaluation of the learning process of students is compulsory in secondary education. It will be ongoing, formative and integrative.
The decisions on the promotion of students from one course to another, within the stage will be taken collegially by all teachers of the student concerned, considering the achievement of the objectives and the degree of acquisition of the relevant skills.
In the MYP the assessment tasks, strategies and tools are designed, developed and applied by teachers.
The MYP features a robust assessment design that includes rigorous, criterion-related internal assessment (course work) for all subject groups, as well as an optional range of externally marked or moderated eAssessments.
There are three kinds of IB MYP eAssessments:
-externally-marked onscreen examination for selected subjects.
-an externally marked ePortfolio – for language acquisition courses in selected langauges.
-three internally marked and externally moderated ePortfolios - for selected courses in physical and health education, arts, and design.
The assessment task developed for each MYP unit of work should address at least one MYP objective. Student work that stems from the task can then be assessed using the appropriate criteria.

Main features of Assessment
Bachiller (LOMCE)
Diploma (IB)
Upon completion of 2nd year there is a test to evaluate objectives and competencies including all core subjects plus two optional subjects, plus a specific subject except religion or physical education. When finalizing the Bachiller they are granted the certificate, which gives access to university studies. Universities may conduct their own entrance tests of knowledge or skills.
External exams: grades 1 to 7. Minimum mark to get a certificate: 24 point. Maximum mark: 45 = 6x7+3(EE/TOK)
Extended Essay, TOK and CAS compulsory to obtain the certificate (externally moderated)
The term Formal Assessment describes all those assessment instruments that are used to contribute to the final qualification. Some of these instruments can be used formatively during the course of study as well as summative towards the end of it. Diploma Programme assessment procedures measure the extent to which students have mastered advanced academic skills in fulfilling these goals.

Formative Assessment
Primaria (LOMCE)
It should be continuous and global and it must take into account the progress in the whole of areas.
Some appropriate measures should be bear in mind in order the evaluations to be adapted to students with educational needs.
The schools conduct an individualized assessment to all students at the end of the 3rd year of primary education, according to demands from the educational authorities, in which the degree of mastery of skills, abilities and skills in speaking and listening skills will be checked and writing, numeracy and problem solving in relation to the degree of acquisition of linguistic competence in communication and mathematical literacy (both formative and summative).
Assessment is key for the IBO. Students are assessed using formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is essential in the three programmes, and is done internally by the teachers as part of their daily job.
The prime objective of assessment in the PYP is to provide feedback on the learning process.
The PYP stresses the importance of both student and teacher self- assessment and reflection
For PYP is also very important the documentation of the evidence of student learning is an assessment strategy relevant to all students throughout the PYP, but may be particularly significant in the early years (3–5 years). Teachers use a range of methods to document student learning as a means of assessing student understanding. This may include, but is not limited to, videos, audio, photographs and graphic representations.
Teachers may also use written records of student conversations, comments, explanations and hypotheses as well as annotated pieces of student work that may form part of a student’s portfolio.

Formative Assessment
It should be continuous and global and it must take into account the progress in the whole of areas.
Some appropriate measures should be bear in mind in order the evaluations to be adapted to students with educational needs.
Assessment is key for the IBO. Students are assessed using formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is essential in the three programmes, and is done internally by the teachers as part of their daily job.

Formative Assessment
Bachiller (LOMCE)
Diploma (IB)
It should be continuous and global and it must take into account the progress in the whole of areas.
Some appropriate measures should be bear in mind in order the evaluations to be adapted to students with educational needs.
Assessment is key for the IBO. Students are assessed using formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is essential in the three programmes, and is done internally by the teachers as part of their daily job.

Summative Assessment and its Standarized Testing Goals
Primaria (LOMCE)
At the end of the 3rd grade, the students will have to pass an individual test in order to evaluate their mastery of skills in oral and written expression and compression; calculation and problem solving will be also checked. (Summative as well as formative)
At the end of the 6th grade the students will have to pass an individualized assessment test
, in which the degree of acquisition of linguistic competence in communication, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology checks will be performed and the achievement of the objectives of the stage.
 A report will be delivered to parents for guidance only, and for schools where the students have completed 6th, or for future schools.
In the final year of the PYP, students participate in a culminating project, the PYP EXHIBITION.  This requires that each student demonstrates engagement with the five essential elements of the programme: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action.

Summative Assessment and its Standarized Testing Goals
At the end of 4th grade, the students perform an individualized assessment test by the choice of subjects, in which the achievement of the objectives of the stage and the degree of acquisition of the relevant skills are assessed in relation to the following subjects to be studied: all the core subjects (except biology and geology and physics and chemistry) plus two chosen subjects (except Physical Education, Religion or ethical values​​) They receive the ESO Certificate.
COMMUNITY PROJECT in Year 3 or Year 4: has the same objectives as the personal project, focuses on community and service, encouraging students to explore their rights and responsibility to implement service as action in the community. May be completed individually or by small groups of students. Requirement for students who finish the programme in MYP Year 3 or Year 4 to complete a culminating learning experience. PERSONAL PROJECT: opportunity to produce a truly personal and creative work and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP. It is developed independently and will be subject to external moderation. Students who successfully complete the personal project will receive IB MYP Course Results, which can contribute to the awarding of the IB MYP Certificate.

Summative Assessment and its Standarized Testing Goals
Bachiller (LOMCE)
Diploma (IB)
Upon completion of 2nd year, there is a test to evaluate objectives and competencies including all core subjects plus two optional subjects, plus a specific subject except religion or physical education. When finalizing the Bachiller they are granted the certificate, which gives access to university studies. Universities may conduct their own entrance tests of knowledge or skills.
The EXTENDED ESSAY: It is considered as a rigorous pre-university course of study and it aims to encourage students to be, on the one hand, knowledgeable and inquiring, and on the other, caring and compassionate. It is a study of a focused topic chosen from the list of approved Diploma Programme subjects and it the method of assessment judges each student in relation to identified assessment criteria and not in relation to the work of other students. The band descriptors are A (excellent standard), B (good), C (satisfactory), D (mediocre) and E (elementary).