As part of the course, we
have to keep a Reflective Journal including our thoughts, questions and any
implementation activities we have already tried or we may want to try.
I totally agree with all
that has been said and all that I have read during this first unit of the
course. I have started to consider assessment as a key piece of both
instruction and the learning process in order to help both students and teacher
to know how to improve their learning/teaching to be more meaningful for the
students. Now I consider assessment an essential element and not just a small part
of our curriculum saying which the final goals our students need to achieve during
the learning process are. Thus, I think backward planning is the key so as to
change our mind.
However, I wonder why don’t
we get more time to be able to analyze with detail our students work so that we
can provide them with effective and meaningful feedback? Shouldn’t schools take
this into account when planning teachers’ timetable?
To be honest I don’t know
yet how we can fit all this outstanding ideas into our busy week, where we just
have around 3 to 4 hours to plan the lessons, correct our students work –which
when being formative is by far more work for the teacher-, etc. and meet with
our students to give them feedback. Obviously I know that I have recently
started teaching so I hope that when I will gain experience I will need to
spend less time for doing some of these activities.
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