You can find below a list of learning targets that will be the focus of a 4º ESO Unit about the World War II. They are classified as Knowledge, Reasoning, Skill, Product and Disposition.
- Explain the relationship between the rise of the Totalitarianisms and the World War II. (Knowledge and reasoning)
- Synthesize the events leading up to the World War II. (Knowing and reasoning)
- Analyse the development of the World War II, knowing the combatant countries, main characteristics and battles. (Knowledge and reasoning)
- Create a timeline to show the order of main events. (Product)
- Infer the main results of Yalta and Postdam Conferences from selected texts and the main consequences of the war from graphs. (Reasoning)
- Write a research report explaining how World War II influenced combatant countries society. (Product)
- Manage with accuracy the vocabulary and historical sources of this unit. (Skill)
- Reject war and violence as a way to solve conflicts and appreciate democracy as form of government. (Disposition)
After checking the standards and
taking into account that these targets have been inspired by the standards but I
have rewritten them, I consider that all these targets are written in “student
friendly” terms. Therefore, I
think it is not necessary to deconstruct them because vocabulary is also
appropriate for any 4º ESO student. Moreover, we can be sure by adding “I
can” or “I’ll be able to”, for example:
- I’ll be able to explain the relationship between the rise of the Totalitarianisms and the World War II.
- I can synthesize the events leading up to the World War II.
- I can create a timeline to show the order of main events.
- I’ll be able to infer the main results of Yalta and Postdam Conferences from selected texts and the main consequences of the war from graphs.
- I’ll be able to write a research report explaining how World War II influenced combatant countries society.